15 September is International Freedom in Education Day!
We have some exciting interviews to share with you, so watch this space. You can also find out about other events happening for that, here
Here are some concrete ways to take action towards all young people achieving FHREEdom. We believe it is always important to support initiatives BY young people before supporting initiatives FOR young people by adults. If you have the time, BOTH is even better!
By young people:
Add your comment on why Consent in education is necessary https://educationconsent.me/
Sign this petition started by young people in the system, seeking to change it We Need A Better School System
Add your thoughts in the comments and share The Academia Manifesto for other people to consider.
Watch, like and share Juwayria’s video
For young people:
Find out how young people can declare themselves Free Learners
Sign the Declaration of Interdependence for Young Children here